Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral Health Programs
Since the 1980s ASTDD has used the Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral Health Programs to assist health agency officials and public health administrators to develop and operate strong oral health programs.
The Guidelines includes a matrix of oral health program roles for each of the Ten Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health, categorized under the three public health core functions of Assessment, Policy Development and Assurance. It includes examples of specific activities for each role. Links to selected resources to help states accomplish the activities are included in a separate Resources document. The Guidelines promote integration of oral health activities into public health systems to assure healthy populations and communities for tomorrow. (March 2021)
The Ten Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health in the United States have been revised to correspond to the 2020 revisions to the Ten Essential Public Health Services.
Guidelines Assessment Based on the 10 Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health - Programs can assess how well they are performing each of the 10 Essential Services and suggest actions for improvement.
Summary of the Revised 10 Essential Public Health Services - The Public Health National Center for Innovation revised the 10 Essential Public Health Services in the fall of 2020.
Defining Public Health Practice: 25 Years of the 10 Essential Public Health Services Environmental Scan - PHNCI. (August 2019)
Practical Application of the Foundational Public Health Services Webcast PowerPoint (July 2024)