ASTDD Committees
Standing Committees
Awards Committee - President
Nominating Committee - Past President
Annual Meeting Committee - President and President-Elect
Ad-Hoc Committees
Best Practices Committee - This committee is charged with designing a system that utilizes not only the literature, but real-world experience to highlight programmatic practices that are successful at the state level. The information is available on the ASTDD web site, and is routinely revised and updated.
Communications Committee - The purpose of the ASTDD Communications Committee is to oversee the various communication activities of the organization. The committee is responsible for publishing and distributing the annual ASTDD report and the ASTDD Roundup newsletter. The webmaster works with the committee to promote, manage and update the ASTDD website and listservs. Additionally, the communications committee creates, distributes, and displays promotional materials and brochures for member and partner use.
Dental Public Health Policy Committee- The committee oversee the creation of policy statements and other resource documents for submission to the Board of Directors for approval and dissemination to the membership. The committee also represents ASTDD and collaborates with other organizations to develop and promote dental public health policy and position statements.
Fluorides Committee - This committee serves as a focal point for issue, policy and position statements and resources for state and territorial oral health programs relating to community water fluoridation and the use of fluorides, assuring that these are presented in all appropriate venues. The committee also coordinates yearly fluoridation awards at the Association's annual meeting.
Healthy Aging Committee - The committee serves as a focal point for healthy aging issues and resources for state oral health programs.
Perinatal Oral Health Committee - This committee serves as a focal point for issues and resources for state oral health programs relating to pregnancy and early childhood programs, policies, and materials.
School and Adolescent Oral Health Committee - This committee serves as a resource to state oral health programs and works to ensure a strong oral health component in all school and adolescent health initiatives. The committee collaborates with other organizations to accomplish its objectives and uses a coordinator and various working teams to conduct project activities.