Turning Data into Action Webcast Series
Turning Data into Action: The Importance of Data Dissemination Webcast - ASTDD's Data and Surveillance Coordinator, Dr. Kathy Phipps, provided an overview of why data dissemination is important and why it's a key component of any surveillance system (May 2017)
Turning Data into Action: A Developing and Using State Oral Health Data Reports- Representatives from Hawaii and Vermont discussed how they developed their oral health reports and how they have used the reports for program planning, program evaluation and advocacy. (June 2017)
Turning Data into Action: Using the CDC Oral Health Data Portal to Visually Depict Oral Health Data - In the third in this series of webcasts, CDC Division of Oral Health staffer, Valerie Robison, demonstrated how to use the data portal portion of CDC's Oral Health Data web platform for data analysis, visualization and export. (June, 2017)