Oral Cancer Information and Resources
ASTDD Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Oropharyngeal Cancer White Paper (July 2017)
Human Papillomavirus Caused Cancers are Preventable- The ASTDD School and Adolescent Oral Health Committee hosted this webinar presented by Dr. Michael Brown, Regional Medical Director employed by Merck. Screening will not protect your patients from most Human Papillomavirus (HPV) cancers. Cervical cancer is the only type of HPV cancer with a screening test to detect HPV-caused cancer at an early stage. The other five, including oropharyngeal cancer, may not be detected until other symptoms exist. HPV vaccination could prevent more than 90% of cancers caused by HPV from ever developing. Dr. Brown discusses how we can help improve the vaccine rate. (June 2021)
AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program
Check out the Short Bites: HPV Update
Check out the Short Bites: Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy on Oral Lesions
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Oral Cancer
Prevalence of HPV in Adults Aged 18-69: U.S., 2011-2014, NCHS Data Brief, No.280, April 2017.
NIH - National Cancer Institute Head and Neck Cancers
Epidemiology and surveillance, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancers.
Oral Cancer Infographic
The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons has developed an infographic describing the incidence and mortality data, risk factors, and how to perform a self-exam.
State Cancer Profile: includes Oral Cavity and Pharynx Data
Provides demographic, screening and risk factors, incidence, prevalence and mortality by state and cancer site.
Trends in Human Papillomavirus Associated Cancers - United States, 1999 - 2015
United States Cancer Statistics
Team Maureen
A Dental HPV Education Program for dental professionals about the connection between HPV and oral, cervical, and other cancers. Team Maureen has also produced toolkits for dental professionals to talk to patients about the HPV Vaccine as cancer prevention.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Oral Cancer
Contains information and resources for health professionals, patients and the public. Also includes a specific campaign titled: "Oral Cancer: What African American Men Need to Know."
Preventing and Controlling Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer - Recommendations from a National Strategic Planning Conference. MMWR, August 29, 1998.
A national conference held to develop strategies for preventing and controlling oral and pharyngeal cancer.
Multnomah County Health Department HPV Dental Toolkit
HPV - The role of the Dental Team Webcast - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a growing concern for health care providers and their patients. Oropharyngeal cancer has surpassed cervical cancer as the highest caused cancer from HPV. Oral health providers have a critical role in HPV, having the opportunity for patient education on the HPV vaccine, care coordination, and diagnosis of oropharyngeal cancers. This webinar discusses the epidemiology of HPV, describe the HPV vaccine recommendations, and highlight a health center's efforts to integrate HPV care into their dental clinic. (April 2020) Slides.
Oral Cancer Foundation
A national public service, non-profit entity designed to reduce suffering and save lives through prevention, education, research, advocacy, and patient support activities.
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer SPOHNC
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer is a nonprofit organization involved in the development of programs of support.
Head and Neck Cancer Alliance
Through united and collaborative efforts, HNCA provides support to head and neck cancer patients throughout the year, supports ongoing research in head and neck oncology and educates children and adults in the disease process, treatment and prevention of oral, head and neck cancers.