Opportunities for Collaboration between State Oral Health Programs and State Medicaid-CHIP Oral Health Programs
The purpose of this document is to help states improve inter-agency collaboration by sharing examples of successful collaboration.
Medicaid/CHIP State Dental Association (MSDA)
MSDA was formed by the Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) dental program representatives to serve as a more effective voice for the delivery of oral health care to the Medicaid population. The Annual MSDA National Profile of State Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Programs is available to MSDA members and by subscription to the public.
Keep Kids Smiling: Promoting Oral Health through the Medicaid Benefit for Children and Adolescents
Engaging Stakeholders to Increase Dental Coverage and Access for Medicaid-Enrolled Adults: Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) technical assistance brief, created with support from the DentaQuest Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (October 2015)