Collaboration Improvement, Planning and Evaluation
Handbook on Planning, Evaluating and Improving Collaboration for Oral Health Programs (.pdf): This Handbook contains the basic concepts you need to know, suggestions for using the worksheets, examples of their use, and a list of references and other resources. (Feb 2021)
Workbook of Steps and Worksheets to Accompany the Handbook on Planning, Evaluating and Improving Collaboration for Oral Health Programs (.pdf): The Workbook contains a short overview of the steps and worksheets discussed in the Handbook. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 1. Action Steps Checklist for the Collaboration and Evaluation Improvement Framework (.doc): Use this checklist for your initial planning and again when you're done. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 2a and 2b. Process Options for Determining a Shared Purpose (.doc): Use these options to evaluate your list of potential or existing partners. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 3. Communities of Practice Inventory Form (.doc): Adapt and use this form to determine existing teams within or linking various organizations. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 4. Stages of Development Group Dialogue Form (.doc): Use the questions provided to create a form to evaluate various stages of partnership development. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 5. Coalition Member Satisfaction Survey (.doc): Adapt this form to create a survey appropriate for your coalition or current partnerships. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 6. SAFAR Ratings of Your Program/Group and Partners (.doc): Adapt and use this form to record your program's/group's level of integration with your partners; you can also adapt it to gain your partners' perceptions of your program/group. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 7. SAFAR Alliance Assessment (.doc): Adapt and use this form to have all members of an alliance assess their respective organization's level of integration with all other members of the alliance. This is a more complex follow-up to Worksheet 6. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 8. Community of Practice (CoP) Collaboration Assessment Tool (.doc): Use this form to gauge the quality of dialogue, decision-making, action and evaluation in each key Community of Practice in your alliance. (Feb 2021)
Worksheet 9. Communication Plan (.doc): Use this worksheet to decide how to report on/communicate the findings of the Collaboration Evaluation and how you will then evaluate the impact of your report. (Feb 2021)
Link to Feedback form on the use of these materials: Use this link to provide valuable feedback on the usefulness of these materials or any revisions you would suggest for the future.