Program Support
ASTDD is committed to promoting and helping to support state and territorial dental directors in their pursuit of knowledge and skills to foster excellence in oral health program leadership. The organization directly provides/links members to a variety of professional development opportunities. Partial travel or meeting expenses are covered under some of the opportunities.
Data Collection, Assessment, and Surveillance
Links to websites, workbooks, other tools and technical assistance to help states improve capacity in oral health data collection, analysis, dissemination and surveillance.
State Oral Health Planning and Coalition Development
Reports, resources, Best Practices and examples of strategic plans, oral health plans, oral health summits, Head Start oral health forums, oral health coalitions and integration of oral health into other programmatic areas.
Policy Development
ASTDD works with a broad array of federal, state and local public and private partners to educate decision-makers on dental public health issues and concerns of state dental programs. ASTDD develops and adopts a variety of policy documents including issue briefs, position papers, policy statements and resolutions to reflect the Association's priorities and stance on dental public health issues.
Evaluation and Quality Improvement
Links to evaluation materials, information on opportunities for State Oral Health Program Reviews, and resources for technical assistance.
ASTDD promotes and supports State and Territorial Oral Health Programs (S/TOHP) and S/TOHP leadership and staff development through a variety of resources. ASTDD consultants also oversee ASTDD new member orientation, dental director peer support, and professional development activities such as workshops and webcasts as well as referring members to other learning and leadership opportunities. Various levels of technical assistance are offered, including consultant advice on a specific topic, how to conduct a self-study to determine progress or areas for improvement, a program Guidelines and Competencies assessment, or a comprehensive onsite program review by a consulting team.
Program Implementation
Links to websites, materials, Best Practices and other resources that will help states develop and implement focused activities in areas such as Maternal and Child Health, community water fluoridation and fluoride programs, sealant programs, safety net dental clinics and mobile-portable systems, School and Adolescent Health, Children with Special Health Care Needs and others.