Dental Public Health Policy Committee
ASTDD develops and adopts a variety of documents to reflect the Association's priorities and stance on dental public health issues.
Committee Members
Committee Logic Model
Committee Work Plan
Dental Public Health Policy Statement - A Policy Statement provides detailed background information and analysis of a broad policy-related issue through documenting and summarizing key findings and implications of appropriate evidence-based research and best practices, and may offer a statement of support and or recommendations for a course of action.
Issue Brief - An issue brief is a summary that outlines and discusses key findings, implications or significance, and programmatic considerations of a specific dental public health issue. It is usually longer and explores an issue in greater depth than a policy statement.
Championing Minimally Invasive Care: Aligning Advocacy to Transform Oral Health - This white paper, developed by an ad-hoc group of dental public health, communication, advocacy, and evaluation experts, and funded by the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, provides guidance to enable champions of minimally invasive care to efficiently advocate to relevant audiences, so that consumers welcome it, policymakers support it, payors cover it, educators teach it, and clinicians provide it. The paper serves as a resource to support advocacy for the adoption of MIC in the health care delivery system. (November 2024)
Using Oral Health Data to inform Decisions and Policy Development: The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors developed this resource to provide tips for the use and presentation of complex oral health data so that the information is understandable and meaningful for a non-dental audience. It also provides a list of resources ranging from a communications toolkit to developing a "plain English" document. (March 2019)
Dental Public Health Policy Statements
- Community Water Fluoridation (June 2015)
- Dental Amalgam (December 2010) This policy statement has been archived*
Dental Amalgam Annotated Bibliography (November 2010) This bibliography has been archived* - Dental Amalgam and Resin-Based Composites: Environmental and Health Impacts (Aug 2023)
- Dental Public Health Residencies White Paper (September 2016) This policy statement has been archived*
- Dental Sealants and Bisphenol A (February 2011) This policy statement has been archived*
- Early Childhood Caries (June 2012)
- First Dental Visit by Age One (August 2012)
- Fluoride Toothpaste (January 2016)
- Fluoride Supplements (January 2013)
- Fluoride Varnish (December 2015)
- Healthy People 2030 (July 2021)
- Healthy People 2020 Oral Health Leading Health Indicator (March 2014) This policy statement has been archived*
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Oropharyngeal Cancer (July 2017)
- Improving Oral Health Access and Services for Older Adults White Paper (February 2018) This policy statement has been archived*
- Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care (February 2024)
- Integrating Oral Health into School Health Education Curricula Using the Whole School. Whole Community, Whole Child School Health Model (December 2024)
- Integrating Oral Health with Primary Health Care (December 2016) This policy statement has been archived*
- Older Adults and Oral Health: A Continuing Challenge (December 2024)
- Opportunities for Improving Oral Health and Chronic Disease Program Collaboration and Medical-Dental Integration (October 2018)
- Perinatal Oral Health (February 2020)
- Preventing Tobacco/Oral Nicotine Use to Promote Oral Health (June 2024)
- Preventing Tobacco Use and Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke (March 2013) This policy statement has been archived*
- Promoting Antibiotic Stewardship In Dentistry (April 2020)
- Promoting Good Nutrition and Healthy Eating in Schools (January 2021)
- Reducing Emergency Department Utilization for Non-Traumatic Dental Conditions (January 2020)
- Reducing Opioid Prescribing by Oral Health Professionals (September 2021)
- School-Based Fluoride Mouthrinse Programs (March 2011) This policy statement has been archived*
- School-Based or School-Linked Mobile or Portable Dental Services (February 2012) This policy statement has been archived*
- School Dental Sealant Programs White Paper (November 2017)
- Social Determinants of Health and Improving Oral Health (March 2023)
- State-Based Oral Health Surveillance Systems (December 2022)
- State Oral Health Program Infrastructure and Capacity (May 2013)
- Sugar Sweetened Beverages (April 2019)
- Teledentistry: How Technology Can Facilitate Access To Care (March 2019)
*Archived documents are available for reading but they will not be updated.
Issue Briefs
- Fluoride Varnish Issue Brief (September 2014) This issue brief has been archived*
- Improving the Oral Health of Pregnant Women and Young Children: Opportunities for Policymakers (August 2012)
- Mobile and Portable School-Based/School-Linked Oral Health Programs: Delivery Models to Expand Care for Children and Adolescents Issue Brief (August 2023)
- State Dental Laws on Dental "Screening for School Age Children (October 2008) This issue brief has been archived*
- State Dental Screening Laws for Children: Examining the Trend and Impact (Updated by the Children's Dental Health Project in January 2019)
*Archived documents are available for reading but they will not be updated.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- ASTHO Oral Health Policy Statement - ASTHO identifies oral health as a priority and supports integrated and adequately resourced state and territorial oral health programs to improve health, eliminate disparities, and reduce costs.
- ASTHO Oral Health White Paper - This white paper is a companion to ASTHO's Oral Health Policy Statement and provides additional background and evidence on oral health.