Perinatal Oral Health Committee
This committee serves as a focal point for issues and resources for state oral health programs relating to pregnancy and early childhood programs, policies, and materials.
- Perinatal Oral Health Committee Roster
- Perinatal Oral Health Committee Logic Model
- Perinatal Oral Health Committee Work Plan
Materials Produced by ASTDD
- Best Practice Approach: Perinatal Oral Health (Updated 2019)
- Perinatal Oral Health Policy Statement (2020)
Materials Produced by Other Sources
Apps and Infographics
National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
- Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities (2020)
- The Maternal and Child Health Bureau - Funded Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement (PIOHQI) Initiative 2013-2019: Final Report
- Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Fiscal Year 2021 Snapshot
- Snapshot of the U.S. Jurisdictions' Activities Addressing Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health) During Fiscal Year 2022
Brochures, Handouts, and Tip Sheets
National Guides and Toolkits
- Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A National Consensus Statement (2012)
- Bright Futures: Oral Health-Pocket Guide (2016)
State Specific Materials
- Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: Practice Guidance for Maryland's Prenatal and Dental Providers (2018)
- Setting Goals for Oral Health During Pregnancy (2016)
New York
- Baby Steps for Tiny Teeth video (2019)
- Texas Oral Health and Pregnancy Toolkit (2020)
- Brushing for Two: A Healthy Start for Your Baby, English and Spanish (2016)
- Practice Guide for Virginia's Prenatal and Dental Providers (2019)
- Healthy Mouths for You and Your Baby (2013)
- Pregnancy and Oral Health (2016)
- Tooth Talk: Videos (2014)