Healthy Aging Committee
ASTDD Resources
ASTDD Improving the Oral Health of Older Adults Best Practice Approach Report (December 2023)
ASTDD Older Adult Oral Health Resources for Collaboration
ASTDD White Paper: Improving Oral Health Access and Services for Older Adults (2018)
ASTDD Policy Statement - Older Adults and Oral Health: A Continuing Challenge (December 2024)
ASTDD Older Adult Basic Screening Survey (BSS) Resources
ASTDD Basic Screening Survey for Older Adults Planning and Implementation Tool Kit This downloadable toolkit contains all of the information you will need to plan and conduct a BSS of vulnerable older adults.
Older Adult BSS Tips for Success - A collection of lessons learned from states that have conducted an Older Adult Basic Screening Survey and information on ASTDD resources, including BSS coaches, to assist states and organizations planning to collect oral health data on this age group. (January 2017)
States with BSS Oral Health Data - This resource lists all states that have data obtained through a BSS of preschool or3rd grade children or older adults. When available, links to state BSS reports are provided.
State Resources
Kansas Older Adults & Oral Health: Kansas shared this flyer with facilities participating in the Older Adult Basic Screening Survey in 2018.
Rhode Island Skilled Nursing Facilities Oral Health Report 2018: RIDOH worked with the Rhode Island Long Term Care Coordinating Council's Oral Health Subcommittee to develop a survey focused on dental and oral care in long-term care facilities. The 2018 Oral Health Survey was sent to administration-level staff at all Medicare-Certified Rhode Island nursing homes in February 2018 with the aim of gathering information about current oral health practices and opportunities to support nursing homes in their delivery of quality oral healthcare.
Colorado Older Adult Oral Health Action Plan: Discusses the process of developing the plan as well as action items and who is responsible for moving the actions items forward. (January 2015)
Washington Elder Smiles Survey Report: PowerPoint - October 2017 Elder Smiles is Washington's first oral health survey of adults 65+ years. Data was collected from older adults at a convenience sample of 15 senior centers throughout the State. This project was supported by the Arcora Foundation of Delta Dental of Washington. The report provides results from the 2017 survey of senior centers and compares those with results from their phone survey in 2012.