Association‌ of‌ State‌ &‌ Territorial‌ Dental‌ Directors

ASTDD Subject Matter Experts

Best Practices
Lori Kepler Cofano, RDH, BSDH

Improving oral Health Integration Consortium
Kimberlie J. Payne, RDH, BA
Harry Goodman, DMD, MPH
Reginald Louie, DDS, MPH

Children with Special Health Care Needs
Jay Balzer, DMD, MPH

Jacob Strategies, Matt Jacob, BA
Kimberlie J. Payne, RDH, BA

Data & OH Surveillance
Michael C. Manz, DDS, MPH, DrPH
Brooke Mehner, BS, MPH
Kathy Phipps, Dr.PH

Dental Public Health Policy
Judith Feinstein, MSPH

Emory Centers for Training and Technical Assistance
Kristin Giordano, MPH
Maggie Pustinger, MPH, CHEH

Evidence-Based Preventive Dental Services, Data and Partnership
Jayanth Kumar, DDS, MPH

Judith Feinstein, MSPH

Head Start
Kathy Hunt, RDH, ECPII
Gina Sharps, BSDH, MPH

Healthy Aging
Lori Kepler Cofano, RDH, BSDH

Maternal and Child Health
Reginald Louie, DDS, MPH

School and Adolescent Oral Health
Lori Kepler Cofano, RDH, BSDH

School-based Dental Sealant Programs
Sandy Tesch, RDH, MSHP

Territorial Support
Reginald Louie, DDS, MPH
Pacific Islands Consultant - Dr. Ohnmar Tut, BDS, MPhil

Writer/Editor/Dental Public Health Infrastructure Specialist
Beverly Isman, RDH, MPH, ELS

ASTDD Website Support provided by 6th Street Webdesign and E-Marketing, LLC, Bradley Cummings
