Chronic Disease and Medical/Dental Integration
Poor oral health is a contributing factor to, and a symptom and consequence of many chronic diseases. Understanding the relationships between and among oral health and chronic diseases, and how strategies for health promotion, disease prevention, and early intervention can be collaboratively developed and implemented, can facilitate efficiency and effectiveness in public health approaches. These approaches will not only enhance the ability of chronic disease programs to implement their strategies but will also help to integrate oral health programs from 'siloed' programs into more mainstream public health efforts. Although some of the resources don't address all aspects of the connections between oral health and chronic diseases, they should be helpful to oral health programs in educating health officials, policy makers, and others about how oral health messages can be effectively integrated into chronic disease prevention and health promotion activities -- particularly when programs are targeting the same risk factors and/or conditions. As promising approaches are identified, ASTDD will share them on this webpage.
General Resources
ASTDD White Paper: Opportunities for Improving Oral Health and Chronic Disease Program Collaboration and Medical-Dental Integration (October 2018)
Chronic Disease Collaboration Among Health Systems - What Can We Learn and Apply in Oral Health?
Cardiovascular Disease
American Dental Association Fact Sheet on the Relationship Between Oral Health and Heart Health
American Heart Association webpage on the link between dental health and heart health
CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention webpage
CDC Division of Diabetes Translation
Medical/Dental Integration
To decrease the complications associated with poor oral health and chronic disease, increased emphasis is being placed on identifying models for medical/dental integration.
Integration of Oral Health into Pediatric Medical Primary Care in Community Health Centers
Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice
Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care: Marshfield Clinic Pilot Project
Medical-Dental Integration in Public Health settings: An Evironmental Scan
The University of Iowa Public Policy Center 2018
OHRC Highlights: Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care
Oral Health: An Essential Part of Primary Care
Obesity Prevention
CDC Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity webpage.
Driving Action and Progress on Obesity Prevention and Treatment: Proceedings of a Workshop.
Healthy Futures: Engaging the Oral Health Community in Childhood Obesity Prevention
Innovations in Childhood Obesity Resource Center. Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.
Provider Competencies for the Prevention and Management of Obesity. Bipartisan Policy Center.
State Examples
Colorado - Medical/Dental Integration Toolkit
CDC Office on Smoking and Tobacco Use with access to state specific data
WHO Monograph on Tobacco Cessation and Oral Health Integration