Webcasts and Audioconferences

ASTDD New Member Orientation

The Role of Health & Human Services and Its Agencies in Promoting Oral Health - This PowerPoint provides an overview of the federal agencies under Health & Human Services as well as their roles in promoting oral health. (October 2018)

Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) Selected National Partner Organizations (June 2021)


Spotlight Presentations

ASTDD Spotlight: Integrate Oral Health into Primary Care

ASTDD Spotlight: Provider and Patient Experiences with Teledentistry

ASTDD Spotlight: Early Childhood Caries Prevention and Management Best Practice Approach Report (February 2024)

ASTDD Spotlight: Delivery Models to Expand Care for Children and Adolescents: Programmatic Considerations for Mobile and Portable School-based/School-linked Oral Health Programs (January 2024)

ASTDD Spotlight: Dental Amalagam and Resin-Based Composites: An Overview of Environmental and Health Impacts (December 2023)

ASTDD Spotlight: Social Determinants of Health and Improving Oral Health Equity Policy Statement (November 2023)

OHRC: We're Here to Help You! (September 2023

HRSA Oral Health Literacy Campaign (August 2023)

Leveraging the MNOHI Environmental Scan in Ohio (June 2023)

Remote Patient Monitoring and Specialist Consultation: Missed Opportunities with Teledentistry (December 2022)

School-Based Dental Sealant Programs Best Practice Approach Report November 2022)

Reaching Pregnant Women Through Social Media (October 2022)

Making Data Count (September 2022)

California Oral Health Literacy Toolkit Initiative (August 2022)

Expanding Hygienists' Scope of Practice to Include the Provision of SDF in Public Health Settings in Vermont Recording (May 2022)

Expanding Hygienists' Scope of Practice to Include the Provision of SDF in Public Health Settings in Vermont Recording PowerPoint (May 2022)

Don't Bury the Lede (December 2021)

Don't Bury the Lede PowerPoint (December 2021)

Oral Health Care of People with Special Health Care Needs (September 2021)

Love Your Baby's Teeth Campaign Launch, Implementation and Analytics (May 2021)

2021 Social Media Campaign for Head Start Parents and Caregivers (March 2021)

Raising Oral Health Knowledge Online Recording (January 2021)

Raising Oral Health Knowledge Online PowerPoint (January 2021)

Engaging the Media during Children's Dental Health Month (January 2021)

Best Practice Approach Report: State and Territorial Oral Health Programs and Collaborative Partnerships (October 2020)

Interim Protocol for Preventive Dental Care in Public Health Settings (August 2020)

Connecting for Social Good: Using Social Marketing to Improve Oral Health - On March 23, 2016, the ASTDD Communications committee hosted a webcast, Connecting for Social Good: Using Social Marketing to Improve Oral Health. Social marketing, as distinct from social media, has become increasingly recognized as a useful approach to craft and deliver oral health messages. Not only does this communications approach provide us with an effective way to reach and gain the attention of our audience, but also to increase their awareness of our message, influence their perceptions, and even change oral health behaviors. This presentation examined the basic principles of social marketing. It looked at social marketing's many components and outlined the elements necessary to create, implement, and sustain a successful oral health social marketing campaign. By examining the successes, limitations, and lessons learned from Maryland's Healthy Teeth, Healthy Kids and other social marketing campaigns, this session offered participants the opportunity to create an informed and realistic set of expectations of what can (and cannot) be achieved through the social marketing approach.

Linda Orgain PowerPoint
John Welby PowerPoint

Let's Tweet: An Instructive and Interactive Webcast PowerPoint (December 2015)

Insights Into Using Social Media to Promote Oral Health: With 74% of online adults using social networking sites and little available funding for traditional oral health messaging, it only makes sense for state oral health programs to use social media. This webinar demonstrates that social media provides a timely and relevant avenue for the distribution of important and diverse oral health information to the public, as well as its ability to engage stakeholders and expand non-traditional partnerships. Insights into best practices are showcased with speakers sharing their expertise utilizing both health department and oral health coalition social media accounts, in addition to the creation of a stand-alone state oral health program presence on two social media platforms. In addition, ASTDD has developed a new fact sheet for State Oral Health Programs: Promoting Oral Health Using Social Media. (October 2014)

Data and Surveillance

State Synopses Questionnaire webcast - Dr. Kathy Phipps, ASTDD Data and Oral Health Surveillance Coordinator, provided an overview of changes to the annual ASTDD State Synopses questionnaire. She provided guidance on completing the survey and answered questions from the audience. (January 2023)
Synopses Webinar PowerPoint

ASTDD Webcast: Using the National Oral Health Surveillance System to Set Targets - Mary Davis, DrPH, MSPH, owner of Project Y Evaluation Services, LLC and an ASTDD Evaluation Consultant and John O'Malley, MHI, owner of Positive Sum Health Informatics and developer of the ASTDD National Oral Health Data Portal (NOHDP) presented about the National Oral Health Surveillance System (NOHSS) which monitors the burden of oral disease, use of the oral health care delivery system, and the status of community water fluoridation nationally and by state. States can use NOHSS indicators to monitor these areas and, with partners, create action plans to improve oral health within their communities. Watch the recording to learn about the NOHSS indicators and how states/territories can set targets using data from the system. (August 2022)

Launch of the National Oral Health Data Portal (January 2022)

The New and Improved Children's Basic Screening Survey (BSS) - In July 2017, ASTDD published the newest version of the children's Basic Screening Survey (BSS) manual. The primary change to the manual is the addition of two optional indicators - potentially arrested decay and sealants on primary molars. This PowerPoint provided detailed information on the additional indicators and how they may impact future data collection along with comparisons to prior survey results. Readers will be able to (1) describe the evolution of the BSS since its inception in 1999, (2) describe the clinical criteria for the optional indicators and (3) understand how revised data collection will impact calculation of the NOHSS indicators. (October 2017)

Emergency Department Oral Care Surveillance for State Oral Health Programs - This PowerPoint summarized the activities and developments of a DentaQuest funded ASTDD project to review research and the methodologies used to assess oral care provided in emergency departments (EDs), with an emphasis on care provided for non-traumatic oral conditions (NTDCs) that would be more effectively addressed in the primary oral care delivery system. The PowerPoint also reviewed the surveillance protocols ASTDD developed for state use to provide for more uniform and comparable ED oral care surveillance data across states. (September 2017)

Data Into Action: Using Coalitions and Partners to Spread the Message - Representatives from the Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin and Washington Dental Service Foundation share information about how to use outsides partners for data dissemination and advocacy. (August 2017)

Turning Data into Action: Oral Health Infographics: State Examples - During the sixth webcast in this series representatives from Arizona and New Hampshire shared information how they developed and used oral health specific infographics. (August 2017)

Turning Data into Action: Web-based Oral Health Data Systems - In the fifth of this seven part webcast series, representatives from Colorado and Minnesota discussed how they developed their web-based data systems with special emphasis on the target audience and necessary resources. (July 2017)

PowerPoint Part 1
PowerPoint Part 2

Turning Data into Action: Infographics - In the 4th of this seven part series, Carole Stampfel from the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs provided an introduction to infographics including what they are, how they can be used and how they should be developed. (June 2017)

Turning Data into Action: Using the CDC Oral Health Data Portal to Visually Depict Oral Health Data - In the third in this series of webcasts, CDC Division of Oral Health staffer, Valerie Robison, shared information about how to use the data portal portion of CDC's Oral Health Data web platform for data analysis, visualization and export. (June, 2017)

Turning Data into Action: Developing and Using State Oral Health Data Reports- Representatives from Hawaii and Vermont shared information about how they developed their oral health reports and how they have used the reports for program planning, program evaluation and advocacy. (June 2017)

Turning Data into Action: The Importance of Data Dissemination - ASTDD's Data and Surveillance Coordinator, Dr. Kathy Phipps, provided an overview of why data dissemination is important and why it's a key component of any surveillance system (May 2017)

Oral Health Data - ASTDD and CDC hosted a webcast to launch Oral Health Data, a new open data platform. Oral Health Data brings together data from multiple sources into an integrated platform where people can see oral health indicator data, all in one place. Oral Health Data replaces the existing National Oral Health Surveillance System (NOHSS), Oral Health Maps, and State Synopses websites. The new, integrated data application brings together oral health data in a whole new way. Users can filter up-to-date data by indicator type, topic, geographic location, year, or data source. They can view data in maps, graphs, and tables and use the data portal to pull targeted insights with filtering and visualization tools.  During the webinar, CDC/DOH also demonstrated the newest version of My Water's Fluoride. The newest version of My Water's Fluoride (MWF) 2.0 offers the site's 700,000+ annual visitors the most current data that each state has provided to WFRS; the water system data they are looking for, in understandable terms; and a streamlined interface through which they can find fluoridation status in just 4 clicks. (May 2015)

Oral Health Data PowerPoint slides
My Water's Fluoride PowerPoint slides


ASTDD/American Fluoridation Society May 26, 2021 and June 2, 2021 Panel Discussion, "Defending Community Water Fluoridation in the Zoom Era" (May and June 2021)

ASTDD hosted CDC's Annual Fluoridation Update - In this webcast, the CDC provided an update about their activities focused on community water fluoridation and items related to those activities over the past year (2020), and a collaborative from Pennsylvania provided information about an extensive fluoridation mapping tool they created for the state of Pennsylvania. (May 2021)

Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Game Changer in Managing Caries in High-Risk Populations? - Silver-containing products have been used as antimicrobial agents for many years in many medical applications, including dentistry. Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) has been used for caries management in other countries for more than 80 years, but just gained acceptance by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2014. This presentation summarizes the clinical evidence for SDF as a topical agent to arrest or prevent dental caries. It discusses the probable mechanisms by which SDF works, the clinical indications for SDF, and offers clinical and public health recommendations for using SDF based on the available scientific literature. (January 2017)

Natural Fluoride in Drinking Water Coffee Break - On September 14, 2016, the ASTDD Fluoridation and Fluorides Committee hosted a "coffee break" during which Dr. Howard Pollick, BDS, MPH, reviewed the information contained in a fact sheet the committee has developed on naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water. (If you experience bandwidth issues that result in the slides and the audio not being synchronized, pause and restart the recording with the cursor arrow at the bottom of the screen).

Natural Fluoride in Drinking Water PowerPoint slides (September 2016)
Natural Fluoride in Drinking Water Fact Sheet (September 2016)

2014 NOHC - Speaking Up Effectively About Water Fluoridation: A Skill-building Workshop for Advocates and Spokespersons. (April 26, 2014)

Matt Jacob, Children's Dental Health Project - The Right Language, the Right Frame

Shelly Spoeth, Hager Sharp - Results from CDC's Formative Research: Understanding the Perspectives of Consumers, Health Care Providers and Water Operators  on Water Fluoridation

Elizabeth Barajas-Roman, Mary McNamara, The Pew Charitable Trusts - Wins, Losses and Lessons Learned

Linda Orgain, Division of Oral Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Utilizing Existing Resources

Healthy Aging

ASTDD Chronic Disease and Older Adult Oral Health Webcast - As the older adult population in the U.S. increases, there is a greater need for those in public health and clinical oral healthcare settings to incorporate chronic disease assessment for older adult patients. Our speakers discussed how various chronic disease conditions can impact treatment planning and oral health outcomes. Ms. Park is a chronic disease consultant to the ASTDD and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. She provided an overview of the connection between a healthy mouth and overall health. Dr. Cartier provided information on national trends and how they impact the delivery of oral healthcare. He also discussed the Seattle Care Pathway and how this can be applied to "prioritize" the type of oral care that is delivered to older adults. (August 2018).

Additional Resources

Training Health Care Professionals to Focus on the Oral-Systemic Health of Older Adults - Three programs that successfully train future health care professionals to work with the older adult population, with a focus on oral-systemic health, presented. (January 2018)

Data Sources: Where to Uncover Oral Health Information for Older Adults - Lori Cofano, BSDH and Consultant to the ASTDD Healthy Aging Committee, Mike Manz, DDS, MPH, DrPH and ASTDD Surveillance Consultant, Kathy Phipps, DrPH and ASTDD Data and Surveillance Coordinator, and Diane Brunson, RDH, MPH and Chair of the ASTDD Healthy Aging Committee provide an overview on how to find older adult oral health data (BRFSS, NHANES, MEPS, CASOA, BSS, etc.). They show you where to find valuable information that can then be shared to raise the awareness of older adult oral health issues. Once you've discovered this treasure trove of information, how do you cash in on it? Check out an infographic template that was shared as part of the webcast. The template can be used to frame your newly found wealth of information. (March 2017)

Medicaid Oral Health Coverage for Older Adults and People with Disabilities - This presentation, brought to you by the ASTDD Healthy Aging Committee in collaboration with the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), discussed the results of a survey the NASUAD administered to its network of state agencies and a review of state coverage policies. The study was developed to review current programs providing oral health services; understand access and utilization; recognize existing collaborations for outreach to beneficiaries; and identify challenges with oral health policy across state agencies. The survey analysis identified several key themes from state data, including: a need for additional collaborative actions to improve oral health; identifications of targeted innovations regarding coverage for older adults and people with disabilities; greater understanding of the incurred medical expense benefit could assist with coverage and access;  and outreach to participants and increased coverage could improve utilization. Damon Terzaghi, MSA, Senior Director at the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities reviewed the survey findings and discussed the implications for state dental directors and policymakers. (January 2017)

Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV: What's the Latest? - On March 24, 2016, the ASTDD Healthy Aging committee hosted an "Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV: What's the Latest?" coffee break call. Dr. Mahnaz Fatahzadeh, DMD, MSD, from the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine presented information on the epidemiology, risk factors and clinical presentation of oral cancer and in particular HPV positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas. Dr. Fatahzadeh also shared an article, Prevention & Early Detection of Oral Cancer: A Professional Responsibility, which is posted on the AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program website. AETC is the training arm of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Also check out this 2-page fact sheet on HPV and oropharyngeal cancer from the CDC. (March 2016)

Oral Health Among Older Adults - The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials hosted a webcast in partnership with ASTDD and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists on oral health among older adults. Presenters included: Kimberlie Yineman, RDH, BA, Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) President; Kathy Phipps, DrPH, ASTDD Data and Surveillance consultant; Linda J. Ferraro, RDH, BS, Director, Office of Oral Health, Connecticut Health Department; Jewel Mullen, MD, MPH, MPA, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) President and Connecticut Health Department State Health Official; and Katherine Weno, DDS, JD, Director, Division of Oral Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (July 2015)

School and Adolescent Oral Health Committee

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child = Better Oral Health - On February 29, 2016, members of the ASTDD School and Adolescent Oral Health Committee presented the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child = Better Oral Health webcast. Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of children between 5 and 17 years of age, helping them to establish lifelong behaviors that promote health and wellness. Schools may also play a role in promoting the integration of oral health with general health and well-being. Research demonstrates a link between general health and dental health outcomes and academic success. For more than 10 years, ASTDD's School and Adolescent Oral Health Committee has promoted the integration of oral health into a comprehensive model of school health. This webinar targeting dental directors, sealant program coordinators and stakeholders, reviewed the components of an e-toolkit and provided recommendations for incorporating dental health into the CDC's Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) school health model. (February 2016)


Recording of Dec. 16, 2021 ASTDD/CareQuest Institute for Oral Health Webcast - During this hour-long presentation, the expert panel discussed how they created the Best Practice Approach Report and examined CareQuest Institute's strategic priorities around teledentistry that are helping to push the inductry in new directions. (Dec 2021)

Addressing the Social Determinants of Oral Health: Local Strategies for a National Discussion Webcast - One of the goals of the California Department of Public Health's Oral Health Plan 2018-2028 is to "Improve the health of California by addressing determinants of health and promote healthy habits and population-based prevention interventions to attain healthier status in communities." The purpose of this webcast was: 1) to provide a brief update on California's strategies for addressing the social determinants of oral health, and 2) to present both a local oral health program's and a stakeholder organization's activities related to improving oral health equity in selected California communities. The panel highlighted how these local strategies can be adapted for addressing the social determinants of oral health by a variety of organizations and communities. (October 2020)

State Oral Health Improvement Plan Strategy Indicators: A Conceptual Framework Webcast - Dr. Danny Kalash provided an overview of a qualitative analysis of all State Oral Health Improvement Plans (SOHIP)s in the United States. The analysis draws from a set of SOHIP strategy indicators and presents each into a conceptual framework among the three dental public health core functions and ten dental public health essential services. Summary findings for state and territorial oral health programs were provided. (August 2020)

What is the Defining Line Between Policy and Advocacy? - Has your program engaged in a discussion about how to "move the dial" in your state and then worried about what you can and cannot do to elicit changes? In this session, Ms. Nicole Johnson, CDC Division of Oral Health Associate Director for Policy, Partnerships, and Strategic Communications, describes CDC's view of health policy, both formal and informal; and discusses the difference between providing education, policy development, and lobbying. She walks the audience through the federal language that addresses lobbying restrictions and explains what it means. Ms. Johnson also provided the audience with CDC resources that support policy development to promote health. (June 2018)

Adapting to Public Administration in State Government: How Not to Get Hung by the Government Ropes - Today's management environment presents many challenges including, dealing with multi-generational staff, office hours and locations, budgets, and hiring. Have you been struggling with how to manage staff that has a different perspective on how to complete assigned tasks?  Do you have staff requesting off-site work locations or flexible hours? Has your program budget made it difficult to compete with private industry when hiring? Are you making decisions based on your environment vs. instinct? Is there an opportunity for you to strengthen your leadership skills so you avoid getting tangled in the "government ropes?" Our presenter, Dr. Bob Russell, recently completed a Certified Public Manager Program through Drake University and shared his insight into these complex management issues. (August 2017)

Strengthening Title V Evidence Based or Informed Strategy Measures - During this webcast presenters provided an overview of State Action Plans, National Performance Measure 13 A/B, Evidence-based and Evidence-informed Strategy Measures, and State Performance Measures. They also described characteristics of strong ESMs and SPMs and provided examples of how ESMs can be made stronger. They finished with state examples from Alabama and Iowa. (June 2017)

Adopting Performance Management Strategies to Improve Oral Health in Your State - Performance Management and Quality Improvement are more than just buzz words. Performance Management and Quality Improvement approaches and tools can help state Offices of Oral Health improve their efficiency and effectiveness. This webinar provides an introduction to Performance Management and Quality Improvement approaches and tools as well as examples of how these are used in state Oral Health Offices. (April 2017)

Title V NPM 13 Community of Learning Webcast - The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC) and the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) have launched a peer-to-peer community of learning to support states addressing Title V/Maternal and Child Health (MCH) state action plan national performance measure (NPM) 13-Dental Visit. This webcast provided an overview of Title V MCH funding and national performance measure (NPM) 13 (oral health), a summary of NPM 13 state action plans and an opportunity for participants to learn about the NPM 13 OHRC/ASTDD Community of Learning Project and activities to assist states in successfully addressing NPM 13.  (January 2017)

Better Oral Health for Kids with Special Needs - Dr. Jay Balzer presented on the various special needs that may affect oral health, resources that can be used to promote better oral health for kids with special needs, and how to identify the "right" dental home for kids with special needs. (June 2015)

Partnership Evaluation Webinar - Internal and external partnerships are a necessity for State Oral Health Programs today. When effective, they make it possible to reach diverse audiences, leverage existing resources and acquire new ones, and increase the impact of public oral health programs. Partnerships do not materialize overnight-they take focused attention and time to develop, stabilize, and grow. Planning, continuously monitoring, and evaluating partnerships should be addressed in every State Oral Health Program's evaluation plan. This webcast enhanced knowledge of key concepts related to partnership evaluation, evaluation tools, and things to consider when undertaking partnership evaluations. B.J. Tatro, PhD addressed topics including when to do partnership evaluation, how to match evaluation questions and evaluation tools to the partnership's stage of development, methods to use, stakeholders to involve, and how to utilize results to strengthen partnerships. Examples from states that are planning or conducting internal and external partnership evaluations were used and resources were shared. (February 2015)

Head Start Program Information Report Webinar (DHL) - This webinar provides a review of Head Start oral health Program Information Reporting (PIR). The oral health PIR is described with examples provided of how the data is used by Head Start. As part of the National Center on Health's (NCH) Cooperative Agreement, the Oral Health Project (OHP) developed a pilot PIR project . The purpose of the pilot project was to prepare a Program Information Report (PIR) data-driven model to help the Regional Offices use PIR data to monitor Head Start grantees' compliance with oral-health-related PIR requirements and to assist them in determining what technical assistance could be provided to the programs in need.  This presentation provides an overview of the pilot project methodology, project findings and proposed recommendations. (September 2014)

Peer Reviewing: The Essentials Webinar - Dr. Robert Weyant, professor and chair of the Department of Dental Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh reviews the important skills required to be competent as a peer reviewer for PubMed indexed scientific journals.  The topics covered included: motivation, expertise, attitude, time, and the essential features of good scientific writing. (June 2014)

State Policies Monitoring and Tracking -The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and the Children's Dental Health Project hosted a webinar on Monitoring and Tracking State Policies. (October 2012)

PowerPoint Presentation
Policy Tool Template