ASTDD State Oral Health Program Review (SOHPR) Manual
ASTDD State Oral Health Program Review (SOHPR) Manual
This link contains the entire manual in pdf format.
The following links contain the appendices as WORD documents so you can insert information or adapt them. Appendix M and N cannot be adapted as they are locked templates to maintain formatting when inserting information.
- Appendix A: SOHPR Site Visit Application Checklist
- Appendix B: ASTDD SOHPR-SWOT Self-Study Form for Oral Health Programs
- Appendix C: SOHP Competencies Assessment Process and Tools revised for SOHPR
- Appendix D: SOHPR Site Visit Preparation Tasks Checklist
- Appendix E: Suggested SOHPR Site Visit Agenda Template
- Appendix F: Categories and Principles Used to Guide ASTDD SOHPR Matched to ASTDD
Essential Dental Public Health Services - Appendix G: Briefing Book Documents Checklist
- Appendix H: State Oral Health Program Budget Worksheet
- Appendix I: Core Data Sets Checklist
- Appendix J: Potential Participants in SOHPR Site Visit Interviews Checklist
- Appendix K: Template Letter for Confirmed SOHPR Interviewees
- Appendix L: SOHPR Debriefing Session Form
- Appendix M: State Critique of SOHPR Process and Immediate Outcomes (locked template)
- Appendix N: Request for SOHPR Technical Assistance
- Appendix O: 3 Month Eval Interview