Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco Use
ASTDD Preventing Tobacco/Oral Nicotine Use to Promote Oral Health Policy Statement (June 2024)
ASTDD Preventing Tobacco Use and Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Policy Statement (March 6, 2013)
State Medicaid Coverage for Tobacco Cessation Treatments and Barriers to Accessing Treatments
CDC Smoking and Tobacco Use
One stop shop for the Office on Smoking and Health, includes information on the dangers of tobacco use including its health effects and details on secondhand smoke and smokeless products. Also includes: Data and Statistics, Tobacco-related Disparities, QUIT smoking, State and Community Resources, and Multimedia Tools.
Quitting Smoking Among Adults - United States, 2000-2015. CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. January 6, 2017 / Vol. 65 / No. 52.
ASTHO Tobacco Written Resources and Materials. Written materials on tobacco control and prevention, including state success stories, issue briefs, case studies, and comprehensive guides
Taking Down Tobacco Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and CVS Health Foundation: Free, online training that will provide youth leaders and adult allies with the information and skills necessary to help create and #BeTheFirst tobacco-free generation.
ADA Tobacco Use and Cessation
Provides an overview of the impact on oral health and tobacco cessation methods.
U.S. DHHS comprehensive website that includes tobacco use statistics, information about smokeless tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, smoked tobacco products, health effects of tobacco use, QUIT NOW and Don't Start and Say It Share it (social marketing messages).
NIH National Cancer Institute - Tobacco
Smokeless Fact Sheet
Describes what smokeless tobacco is, how it can cause cancer and, how to go about assisting a person to quit using smokeless tobacco.
Tips From Former Smokers CDC
Presents an overview of diseases and conditions associated with smoking, which include gum (periodontal disease) and cancer.
ASH Action on Smoking and Health
Global organization whose mission is to eliminate deaths from tobacco. Provides tobacco related resources and statistics. Released a 2017 Report: Tobacco in America: Leaving the Vulnerable Behind.
American Lung Association
Provides resources for individuals who want to stop smoking or vaping or help a loved one quit.
American Heart Association
Provides resources for individuals who want to stop smoking, vaping or using other forms of tobacco.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Includes global, national, state and local resources and advocacy tools to combat smoking and tobacco use.